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Blogs on and about Fingerprints and Biometrics. Wednesday, May 09, 2007. Fingerprint authentication is still the number one choice of security measure for identity verification in Malaysia and Singapore, according to a Unisys survey. Government departments and other organizations.
Performance of Fingerprint Recognition System in Maritime Environment. Tuesday, May 19, 2009. To proceed with the controlled experiment, we first register the fingerprint of each volunteer under normal conditions, to use as a template. Once we uniquely determined the template, we then. Friday, April 3, 2009.
Писмо од Никола Карев до Гоце Делчев. Сами ние да се бориме за наша Македонија! Моите извештаи стануваат сè повеќе и повеќе само како голи констатации на оние свирепости и ѕверства што овој свет ги поднесува. Одамна требаше веќе да им се даде називот извештаи за несреќите и бедите на христијаните во Вилаетот. Што се однесува до мене, никој не ќе може да ми ја одземе мојата храброст и мојот патриотизам. Драго ми е да Ти соопштам дека сите наши момци се готови со пушка в рака да се бијат.
Complete UID Biometric Registration Kit. Biometric Scanner for unique ID Cards.
Friday, May 22, 2009. Child Identification - Thinking Of Fingerprinting Your Children? When speaking to parents about child identification, the first things that come to mind are fingerprints and DNA information. However, there seems to be a complete lack of awareness regarding fingerprints and the crucial need in updating them on a regular basis. Most parents, with the exception of people who have studied medicine or criminology, believe that their children? S fingers. Pretty darn tiny! That is why foot.